Dear Koala,
Due to ongoing performance issues, your employment with (company) was terminated effective today...Performance issues? I have bent over backwards for this company. I filled in so many shifts, I always showed up on time, I only had four sick days through the 18 months I was employed (two of which were funerals), I helped my co-workers, I took on tasks that weren't part of my job, I double checked all my work, I was always trying to find ways to improve. Prior to my warnings, I wanted to learn everything there was to know about the company. I wanted to know my job inside and out. I had dreams and goals.
Even though I was unhappy, I took pride in my work. That is why I never quit. A part of me thought I could prove myself to them. I didn't want to give up because I was holding onto hope. The thing that made me unhappy were all the warnings. Rather than talking to me about the mistakes I was making they would write me up. I'm not saying that I was the best employee because I know I made mistakes. Some of those warnings I may have deserved but I do feel like there was serious lack of communication.
By reviewing all my warnings I can see that I was being bullied by my supervisor and the company didn't trust me because of my father. I find it very odd that the warnings started only 13 days after my father got fired.
When they told me I was fired, I felt nothing. Not angry nor sad. I've seen this moment slowly approaching since I found out my father was suing them. I knew they would get rid of me. It seems weird but I'm overjoyed to be out of that environment. It was making me so depressed. I learned so much from working there and for that I am grateful.
I look at this as though another chapter in my life has ended and it couldn't have came at a better time. It's a part of my journey.
Two red bulls = 424
Calories burned through exercise = approx. 127
Wow. It sounds like you did everything you could to be an excellent employee. You could not have done much more.
You seem to be taking this with a great attitude. i admire that. i hope you find a new job soon where you are truly appreciated.
You amazingly tiny self is so much an inspiration to me!
Hugs, tracy
Hey Koala,
Thanks so much for joining my little blog. It means alot to me!
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