22 hours into my water fast... I should really drink more water. I've only had about one cup today. I went to bed at 2:30 AM and woke up at 3:30 PM. I wish I could sleep through the first three days. They're always the hardest for me.
When Rico left for work today I was very sad. I head back to work tomorrow so we aren't going to see each other for four days! I'm going to miss him dearly. I'm not a fan of change and this is a big change. I am not used to being alone. It's nice from time-to-time but, for the past four years, he's been by my side everyday. I do believe that this is a positive change though! I'm just going to have to suck it up. Besides, it makes fasting a million times easier :)
Rico's parents cooked supper tonight. I was thinking of just passing but I decided to grab myself a plate. When I got to my bedroom I instantly threw it in the garbage, waited a few minutes, then brought it back into the kitchen. "Thanks, that was so good!" I said with a smile then headed back to my bedroom. That was easy...
It was gorgeous out today! The sun was shining and the snow was melting. It got me thinking about summer. As of now, I am not "bikini ready". I desperately want to look killer this summer so I've decided that I'm going to create a "get your ass in gear for summer" challenge for myself. It's going to involve a lot of restricting and exercise. I have 29 days to come up with the details but I will be sure to share them with you all. :)
Happy today in my own little world but am not excited to go back to work. Hopefully these next four days will soar by.
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